
court house 法院;〔美國〕縣政府。

court lady

Super hotel is located at the heart of changan town - the “ star town of china “ , dongguan city . closed to major transportation routines and landmarks in changan , hotel super is minus away from changan bus terminal , changan status , changan custom , court house , guangshen highway , transnational highway 107 and provincial highway 358 朗豪酒店,位于擁有“中國鄉鎮明星”美譽之稱的東莞市長安鎮。與長安汽車站中惠新城長安標識性建筑長安門長安展覽館規劃中緊依,面對長安海關長安法庭和長安交通分局,廣深高速公路g107 s358橫貫而過。

But , he said not a single word in reference to the discovery that had been told of , and , as they went into the house , the business eye of mr . lorry either detected , or fancied it detected , on his face , as it turned towards charles darnay , the same singular look that had been upon it when it turned towards him in the passages of the court house 他讓大家看,看他手背上的雨點,但是他對剛才談起的發現一句話也沒說。而在他們回到屋里去時,羅瑞先生那老于業務的眼睛卻發現了或是自以為發現了,在醫生把臉轉向查爾斯.達爾內時那臉上露出了一種特別的表情,這種表情那天在法庭通道里他把臉轉向達爾內時也曾出現過。

The second part is a summary explanation to the court house intermediation system . through the evidence investigation method , this paper emphasizes on the research of court house intermediation system ' s operation . by analyzing the problems , this paper makes several suggestions to make the system better 第二部分對法院調解制度作了簡要的概述,并通過實證調查的方法,著重對我國現行法院調解制度運行情況進行研究,對存在的問題和原因進行了分析,旨在有針對性地提出完善該項制度的建議。

Half court house is like all other residences , with mountain shape roof and built by thick bricks . this kind of building looks special . some dwellings have banyan trees in front of their houses so they have to shorten the length of wing and some dwellings were built at different time so they are not in line side by side 的構造方式,如同一般民宅,屋頂為硬山馬背頂,墻以厚磚砌成,外再以灰漿粉飾,在灰漿剝落后形成一種特別的紋理;在造型上,單伸手群所形成之聚落是相當具有特色。

Finding that my fellow - citizens were not likely to offer me any room in the court house , or any curacy or living anywhere else , but i must shift for myself , i turned my face more exclusively than ever to the woods , where i was better known 發現市民同胞們大約是不會在法院中,教堂中,或任何別的地方給我一個職位的了,我只得自己改道,于是我比以往更專心地把臉轉向了森林,那里的一切都很熟識我。

The fifth part after making an introduction of several reforms about court house intermediation system and analyzing its value position , the writer emphases on suggestions to make the system better 第五部分通過對有關法院調解制度改革方案的介紹和評價,以及對法院調解制度的價值取向的定位分析,著重闡述了完善和重構我國法院調解制度的建議。

The former sprint queen dressed in a dark pinstriped suit and a peach colored shirt fought back tears as she addressed reporters , her family and friends outside the white plan ny court house 這位前短跑女皇穿著黑色細條紋裙和桃紅色上收起淚水,在法院門外對記者,家屬和她的朋友發表講話。

The third part investigates the origin of court house intermediation system , analyzes the historic reason , and acquires enlightenment 第三部分縱向考察了我國法院調解制度的淵源,分析了具有中國特色的調解制度形成的歷史原因,并從中獲得了啟示。

The sixth part is the end part . the writer reemphasis the purpose of writing this paper and the importance of court house intermediation system 第六部分結語再次重申了寫作本文的目的和法院調解制度在現代糾紛解決機制中的重要作用。

A : in that case , i ' ll take my bag with me . by the way , could you tell us how to get to the court house 如果是這樣的話,我最好把我的皮包帶上。另外,你能告訴我們去法院怎么走嗎?

In that case , i ' ll take my bag with me . by the way , could you tell us how to get to the court house 如果是這樣的話,我最好把我的皮包帶上。另外,你能告訴我們去法院怎么走嗎?

Cape may court house 開普梅新澤西州

Washington court house 華盛頓科特豪斯

The bills said : at the court house ! for 3 nights only 海報上說:茲假座法院大廳只演三晚!